The mystery of cathedrals
Legendary alchemist of the 19th and 20th centuries, Fulcanelli reveals the secrets of the symbolism of the great cathedrals of France.
This edition includes the plates by Julien Champagne published in 1926, the prefaces by Eugène Canseliet published in 1926, 1957 and 1964, and the chapter on the cyclic cross of Hendaye introduced in the 1957 edition.
“The most important Hermetic book of the Twentieth Century.” – Phinephas’ Reviews – Goodreads
“This book changed how I see symbolism in my whole reality. It is a description of teachings written in the stone of cathedrals. People tend to get mired down in the mysterious wording of alchemy discussions such as this. But if you read this as a meditation and chakra work guide, it reads very differently. Substitute the different zone of the body for the symbolism, starting at the “putrified base” as the base chakra, and work up from there. The “green lion” becomes the heart chakra, for example. The darkness becomes the figurative and literal space between the levels, that must be worked through, to reach the next chakra zone. The griffin represents the joining of the left and right hemisphere, in the first of three phases, towards the attempt to reach enlightenment. This is an amazing book, if you understand the key to navigating it.” – J. Schermerhorn’s Reviews –
“The first time I saw this book was on the shelves of my university friend, long long long ago. Recently, because of my research on Alchemical Putrefaction, I decided to take it up again in the original french (not easy reading for someone who is not a native speaker).
What can I say?
First that, unlike most Fulcanellians, I like more the second volume, Les Demeures Philosophales.
Second, that, no matter what one’s opinion might be on the man and his works, this book is an absolute must for all lovers of alchemy.
Third, that this is not a book to read, but a book to study, over and over and over again. Thirty years ago it was totally impenetrable to me, now less so. Perhaps in the future it will be even clearer, who knows?
Fourthly, that there are many weak and hazy spots, for instance the so-called phonetic cabala. My suggestion is: study it, with a critical yet open mind.
Lastly, that, here and there, the prose reaches unsurpassed heights. The man or the men behind this works were no ordinary folks.
The magic of the cathedrals will grip you tightly….” Mirco’s Reviews – Goodreads
- Format: Epub
- Pages : 260
- ISBN : 9782379663116
Additional information
Epub | $10.99 |
Paper | Soon |